Author: Mark T. Harris

The US Needs a Socialist Movement to Break It Out of the Two-Party Choke Hold

Original Publication: Common Dreams (Aug. 10, 2023)  There’s an old saying: The more things change, the more they stay the same. But perhaps a more apt description of the modern-day United States might be the more things don’t change, the worse it gets.  That’s certainly true for wealth inequality. The average net worth of the Forbes 400

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A Socialist Response to the American Fascist Threat

Original Publication: Common Dreams (Oct. 17, 2022) The remarks this past August by President Biden describing former President Trump and the “extreme MAGA philosophy” as “semi-fascism” provoked predictable outrage from Republican propagandists and leaders. Fox News host Tucker Carlson accused President Biden of labeling anyone who disagrees with him as by definition a fascist, effectively declaring war against

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Threadbare US Social Safety Net: The War on Science, Medicine, and Equality for All

Across the nation, elected Republicans at every level of government display a callous disregard for the health and lives of the American people, sowing disinformation and resistance to public health efforts to contain and defeat the pandemic. [This article originally appeared on the Common Dreams news site on Nov. 5, 2021.] The Covid-19 pandemic is a

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A Socialist Response to the Republican Death Cult

In the United States, 2020 has proved to be the year everything changed except what most needs to change. Despite massive protests for months, police continue to shoot and kill Black citizens and brutalize peaceful ant-racist protesters. They do so as armed, far-right vigilantes emerge from whatever aggrieved netherworld they occupy to menace Black Lives Matter

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